Welcome Back, {Customer Name}!

Use existing sponsor select dropdown here.

Then you will see the following. Links in the table below either point to the new program page, or to /sponsor page - which will mirror the program page, later.

{Company Name} Reports:

Date Title Category Open/Closed
7-12-2024 DST Review 1 DST - Real Estate Open
7-12-2024 ABC Sponsor Review Sponsor Review N/A

The new program (eventually sponsor) page is below.

Program Name Here

/ signs only show (.admin-btn) for Buttonwood admins.

Program Report

Ongoing Due Diligence



Program Report Test Asset Based Test ODD Report Tests
View Program Report Test View Asset Based Test ODD Report 1 Test
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris accumsan mi non purus vulputate condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla id quam iaculis, rutrum nisl at, semper velit. Aliquam neque justo, ultrices lacinia arcu id, dictum gravida arcu. In mollis vestibulum mi, vitae finibus turpis tempor.

Contact Buttonwood

Data Room

Need to be able to create/edit directories and have multiple levels. Bread crumbs should be clickable so you can go back/up a level. Need little red minus/delete buttons here too probably

Videos / Marketing